Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Opinion: Throwing Shoes at the President

When I first heard this, I laughed.  My first opinion is that this is okay.  Now, my mother is currently arguing that I should be mad at this.  Now, you can argue about this, or laugh it off and go home.  My mother, who is arguing with me, was laughing when she heard it too.  George W. Bush wasn't hurt.  Nobody was, except for Muntazer al-Zaidi, the shoe thrower.  Apparently, he has been tortured, and has some broken bones.  I can't say if it's true or not, but if it is, I think that that is horrible.  Back on topic, I'm sure a lot of U.S. citizens want to do the same thing.  They wouldn't do it, because they are scared of rotting in jail, but they still want to.  He's not a terrorist, or he would've just bombed the place.  You can say F*** him because he's our president, and you can't throw shoes at him, but don't come crying to me if you've EVER said ONE bad thing about Bush.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Wow! I'm shocked! Where's your loyalty as an American citizen? No matter what your disagreement is with any president, he is still your president. No one should ever disrespect a president---not ever. We should always remain loyal to our president--------especially when the disrespect comes from a different country. It may have been just a shoe, but it was disrespect just the same. How would you have felt if it had happen to Obama?