Sunday, December 7, 2008

Movie Summary: Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh

Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh was the first TV movie that brought tears to my eyes.  The movie is a great movie about Drake and Josh helping a girl have the best Christmas ever.  


The movie stats off with Walter and Audrey (Drake and Josh's parents) leaving for a tropical vacation.  Josh doesn't think that they should go, because they should be home for Christmas.  Once Drake returns home, Drake and Josh decide to go to the mall.  At the mall, Drake announces that he will be throwing a Christmas party on the roof of the mall.  Helen, Josh's boss, reveals that she approves of this party.  Helen then hands Drake a Santa costume, and tells him that he is going to play Santa for the day at the mall.  While in this costume, Drake meets a young girl named Mary Alice.  When Drake asks her what she wants for Christmas, she tells him that she wants for her family to have the best Christmas ever.  Drake makes a Christmas promise to her, which everyone knows you can't break.  
During Drake's Christmas party on the roof of the mall, party crashers crash the party.  Josh gets framed as a party crasher, and is sent to jail.  After Josh is taken to jail, he is put in a cell with Bludge (Kimbo Slice), who turns out to be his new roommate.  Drake, who needs Josh's help to keep the promise he made to Mary Alice, attempts to break Josh out of jail.  Drake ends up getting caught, and is put in jail along with Josh.
When Drake and Josh are sent to the judge, he decides that he will keep them out of jail, as long as they keep their Christmas promise to Mary Alice.  He says that on Christmas, he will personally ask everybody in her family if it is the best Christmas ever.  After the judge talks to them, they meet their parole officer, a man named Perry Newman.  Perry makes it his goal to make Drake and Josh have the most difficult time possible while trying to keep their Christmas promise.  It turns out that Mary Alice lives in a foster home with five other kids, and their foster parents don't have enough money to have a great Christmas.  Drake and Josh find out that to make the kids have the best Christmas, they have to be in the annual Christmas parade.  When Perry finds out about this, he tells Crazy Steve, who yells everything that he says, to remind Drake and Josh that they could go to jail.  When he screams this out, the kids think that Drake and Josh only did everything to stay out of jail.  The kids leave, and Drake and Josh know that they are going to prison.
Once Drake and Josh realize that they are going to jail, Drake still wants to keep his promise to Mary Alice.  He knows that she has always wanted to see snow, so Drake and Josh decide to make it snow at her house.  First, they try to figure out why Perry hates them.  They figure out that he hates Christmas.  He hates Christmas because he had always wanted a monkey for Christmas, and when he finally got one, it attacked him.  The boys decide to send him a kind monkey, which would make him like Christmas.  
When Drake and Josh try to make it snow at Mary Alice's house with a wood chipper, they accidentally spread hail all over the neighborhood.  Drake and Josh get knocked out, and get taken home by the now nice, Officer Perry.  
When Drake and Josh wake up, they are at home.  Perry tells them that thanks to them, he loves Christmas again.  Sadly, he still has to arrest them.  When they are escorted downstairs, they are surprised by the kids, who don't hate them anymore.  Mary Alice tells them that they tried to make it snow, and that was the best thing that anyone had ever done for them.  When the kids are asked whether they had the best Christmas ever, the unanimously say yes.  The movie ends with it snowing outside, and Mary Alice finally getting to see snow.  THE END!

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